Saturday, June 27, 2009

Friday, June 26, 2009

Don't Stop Til You Get Enough

My favourite MJ videos/hits ever. This needs no explanation. Sorry Discovery, next post's yours.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

A Sigh Of Relief

So, Loud Mouth received a beatdown the other day, and complained about it. Womp Womp. If you can't take the heat, stay out of the kitchen, dumbass. This whole ordeal just conjured a whole bunch of people who ask for way too much trouble, read the full post on HERE.

Note to Hilton, nobody gives a shit.

On a more positive side, I've posted up my first Chief Mag blog post today as "adhd", under a stream of smoke, babe judging, and laughter: The people at Bacardi are fucking DOUCHEBAGS.

Next post will be about Discovery, I told myself that a month ago!

Saturday, June 13, 2009

The Boys And The Girls, They're Still Pretty

Finally, the long awaited issue 5 of Regia is available, accompanied by Urban's LSTN No.5 - What these two have in common? The Big Pink.

Photos: Regia Mag.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Hey You: Oh, I Get It.

Sometimes it's okay to be really into cheesy pop ballads that threaten to occupy whatever's left of your head-space. Sometimes you could even go as far as to spread it among your mates and make it one of your summer 'choooooooones'. Thank You, Pony (2x) Run (2x).

Friday, June 5, 2009


I've been carrying on this bluff for about 7 months until I finally found the balls to call myself out on it (cause frankly, I just couldn't look at myself in the mirror anymore, dreadful, I know) - but I really, really, dislike Crystal Castles' music (the two of them are fine to me). And anyone who reminds me of them just makes things worst. but, ANYWAY.
Does anyone else think that Kap Bambino is just a cheap version of Crystal Castles?

I do.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

I Found Jeffer

It happened yesterday, around eleven and a half - I've done the unthinkable and actually recorded DJ Mehdi spinning it at that Vice May bank holiday sting (thing) - PATETHIC. But I can sleep at night now, bless.
Less boring 'update' - some 'bratpack' kids in Brooklyn recorded a tribute to a tribute mashup of The Breakfast Club and Phoenix's Lizstomania,
Smugness: The 'girl with the really obvious nose ring' who portrays Ringwald gets annoying at about the first minute in.
Choreography: -NAY, I am generally concerned about the kid in the blue shirt grinding/gesticulating on the fences like a mad cow disease patient. DO IT RIGHT OR DON'T DO IT AT ALL. Apart from him though, the video edit makes everyone else look really good.
Execution: 10, actually mistook it for a feature presentation. Feel like most of the job was left to the editors though. SIGH.