Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Summer & Its Breaks

So, the weather has gotten its shit together over here in New York lately, and it's increasingly hard to stay in on a computer taping away, whilst there are babes in shorts riding up in down the breezy parks these days. I'm doing like all my favourite music blogs, and going on a hiatus! and you should too! get out, for fuck's sake, it's fucking SUMMA!

I'll be writing more stuff for Platform though, and Chief as well, and shooting people with my lenses, because nice weather makes you do that.

But the best part of this little break, is possibly the work me and Hems (at City-Slick) are getting started on : 60 French Girls (Can't Be Wrong). It's going to be fucking A-team, because we're gathering the best creative heads we know to spew out bollocks on this project!

If you want in, shoot us an email.

Peace, mofuckas!


FashionHippieLoves said...

hey, I just want to say, that I'm a fan of your Polyvore sets, please do more!!!!! :D


Adèle said...

Haven't done those in a MINUTE, should probably get back to them! x